Monday, October 1, 2012

Gianna & The Golden Egg

 These pictures are not the results of any "special" lighting.  This in fact is a true "golden egg" that Gianna (and I) created as a science project. Here's where it started.  First we took a raw egg and placed it in a glass jar for three days in plain white vinegar. 
Here is how the egg looked on day three after adding the vinegar:

After three days, we poured out all of the vinegar from the egg & left the egg in the jar.


 Next, we filled up the jar with about 1 1/2 cups of light corn syrup & let it sit (on the countertop) for another three days. 
 And here is how it looked three days after we had added the corn syrup:

It just so happen that when I went to grab the camera to take pictures of Gianna holding the egg, the lighting fell on the egg just so...

Our soaked egg beamed in the afternoon light making it truly golden hence our title, "Gianna & The Golden Egg."
Have a Happy Day Everyone!
xo Mama

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